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The Sweet Jessy Newsletter August 2021

Happy Middle of August! The lazy days of summer seem to be swiftly sliding by. Very soon, it will be all things pumpkin spice, bonfires & sweater weather.... Jessy's favorite season Back when Jess was a toddler; starting about mid-September, I would pick up glorious pumpkin pies from Bakers Square. We would pile on the cool whip & eat to our hearts content. I have a little video of her --- taken on one of those behemoth over-the-shoulder movie cameras of the early 90's. She's watching her Daddy give Victor boxing lessons; while she stands next to the sofa, holding a plate of the cherished pumpkin pie --- while wearing her favorite Lion King outfit from the Disney Store at...

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The Sweet Jessy Project Newsletter May 2021

Holy Cow........Happy Spring! I don't know about you all, but, this winter seems to have sped past with record speed....which explains the lack of newsletters since, what, February? It's been a flurry of behind the scenes activity over here at The Sweet Jessy Project. Jessy is definitely keeping us busy! In an effort to improve the online shopping experience, we decided to re-create a new website. Oh boy! What an eye-opener that has been. I do not recommend this endeavor to ANYONE - unless you enjoy being tortured - slowly. Just when we think we have everything accounted for, the technology gods rain down little surprises; for our pleasure, of course. Even through the stress of re-launching a new website, we have been...

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The Sweet Jessy Project Newsletter February 2021

Welcome to The Sweet Jessy Project! Wow! What the heck happened to January? Are ya'll sticking to those resolutions.....working those goals? I sure hope so. Keep pushing through the obstacles that may creep up on your path. If it were easy.....everyone would be doing it.I have been working on getting back into race shape.One of my goals is to do at least 1 biking event in 2021.I haven't competed, seriously, since Jessy was 10 months old. I can't believe it's been that long!It takes a heckuva lot of time to train for an event.As I go out on a ride or run, I set a distance or time goal.Lately, it's super difficult at the beginning.As I warm up (loosen up the old body), I notice...

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